Custom TWO Sterling Fingerprints - Necklace with Sterling Ball Chain

Kaleen Wolfe Designs

$ 247.00

The listing in the photos was a special creation for a military husband and father - it ended up being perfectly rustic and masculine.

This listing includes TWO sterling silver fingerprint in an organic shape - the shape depends on the fingerprint. For only one fingerprint or for more than two, please send me an email for options!

** While the listing photos also show a birthstone inset in the back of the fingerprints, this listing does NOT include the cubic zirconia birthstones. If you'd like to add them like the photos, please send me an email for a custom listing! **

The back of the fingerprint can be stamped with something simple (a name or a date, for example). Upon completion, the pendant is oxidized to highlight high and low points and tumbled to the perfect patina. It will also be polished and waxed to help preserve and prevent stray (unwanted!) fingerprints.

Your pendant will be added to a sturdy 2mm sterling ball chain. This chain is oxidized (or darkened) and brushed for the manly effect. If you'd prefer a different chain style or length, please ask; I'd be happy to share the options with you.

Upon purchase, a simple fingerprint molding kit will be mailed to you with a return envelope included. Please see my shop announcements for the most accurate information regarding current creation times!

If you have any questions, please email me - and thank you so much for looking at my shop! :)

** Please keep in mind that all fingerprints are unique; therefore, each piece of fingerprint jewelry will be unique. Size and clarity will vary depending upon the size of the finger and the age of the finger owner. But I can guarantee that this is what makes each piece of this jewelry so special.

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